Q8/16 Shields|Q8 15^50 Axes|Minis|More
Kiki Go Boom
b/o shiro and lich
IGN:Rea Tron
IGN:Rea Tron
The Serious Monk
S/b On the Shield Set
ign: The Serious Monk
ign: The Serious Monk
Enchanted Krystal
10e on the blue FDS
IGN Enchanted Krystal
IGN Enchanted Krystal
180e on the shieldset
ign = balashi ftw
ign = balashi ftw
The Serious Monk
190e on shield set....
ign: The Serious Monk
ign: The Serious Monk
s/b on all the axes
200e shieldset
ign = balashi ftw
ign = balashi ftw
The Serious Monk
205e on shieldset....
ign: The Serious Monk
ign: The Serious Monk
ign = balashi ftw
ign = balashi ftw
The Serious Monk
ign: The Serious Monk
ign: The Serious Monk
1)Chaos Axe 40e
2)Hand Axe 20e
3)Runic Axe 20e
6)Summit Axe 20e
2)Hand Axe 20e
3)Runic Axe 20e
6)Summit Axe 20e
runic 25e
and ill take the 2 res scrolls
IGN Rayne Stormbringer
and ill take the 2 res scrolls
IGN Rayne Stormbringer
Daemon Of Sin
Will buy the Jade Armor.
IGN: Daemon Of Sin
IGN: Daemon Of Sin
220e shieldset
will be abroad for 10 days, so wont be able to check frequently
IGN = balashi ftw
will be abroad for 10 days, so wont be able to check frequently
IGN = balashi ftw
The Serious Monk
230e Shieldset
Ign: The Serious Monk
Ign: The Serious Monk
Kiki Go Boom
12 chärs
12 chärs
Kiki Go Boom
12 chärs
12 chärs
Kiki Go Boom
12 chärs
12 chärs
The Mountain
+5e on the all c/o axe bids.
s/b for the rest
s/b for the rest
Amber Probe
Cave Spider - 8k
Irukandji - 8k
<--- IGN.
Irukandji - 8k
<--- IGN.
35e runic
IGN Rayne Stormbringer
IGN Rayne Stormbringer
Kiki Go Boom
12 chärs
12 chärs
30e summit axe.......................
Kiki Go Boom
12 chärs
12 chärs
25e on battlepick
35e on summit axe
35e on summit axe
Kiki Go Boom
2 more bumps after this and thread closes.
@Cash: still trying to catch you ingame
2 more bumps after this and thread closes.
@Cash: still trying to catch you ingame
30e on battlepick
40e on summit
final offers, pm on guru if you decide you want to sell
ign: am sudan
40e on summit
final offers, pm on guru if you decide you want to sell
ign: am sudan
Kiki Go Boom
1 more bump after this
if you still got the shields left,
whats c/o on Militia shield, stone summit shield and oaken aegis?
whats c/o on Militia shield, stone summit shield and oaken aegis?
Kiki Go Boom
final bump
shields have been sold sorry!
shields have been sold sorry!