Time to clear out my Xunlai Chest; Selling:
Fiery, Icy, and Shocking (2) Sword Hilts
Ebon Axe Haft
Jadam's Spear
Benwah's Recurve Bow
Stack of Alkar's Concoctions (100 Damage To Nearby Destroyers)
Squash Serums (16)
Ghost-in-the-Boxes (14)
Snowman Summoners (70)
Bottle Rockets (64)
Champaigne Poppers (82)
Mysterious Tonics (20)
Sparkles (88)
Crates of Fireworks (25)
Stack of TOTs
Wintersday Gifts (170)
Red Gift Bags (49)
Fruitcakes (39)
(Full) Kegs of Aged Hunter's Ale (2)
Hard Apple Ciders (55)
Flasks of Firewater (17)
Dwarven & Hunter's Ale (93 total)
Aged Dwarven & Hunter's Ale (31 total)
Bottles of Grog (79)
Eggnogs (65)
Spiked Eggnogs (3)
Shamrock Ales (14)
Points all added up, That's:
(917 Drunkard Points)
(509 Party Points)
(39 Sweets points)
PM my IGN if interested, or have questions.
EDITED by Darcy for the following Guidelines Violation: Improper Thread Prefix: The High End prefix is for threads where a significant majority of the items have values of 100k or more.
The Low End prefix is for threads where a significant majority of the items have values of less than 100k.
The Mixed prefix is for threads where there is a fairly even split between High End and Low End items.
Users are responsible for making sure their prefix is up-to-date as items are removed or added to their thread.
You may remove this note.
Clearin' Out Da Bank!
The Tydy