Unded Polar Bear
S/b 1337e
C/o 110a
B/o ~
Dedicated Polar Bear
S/b 1337e
C/o 85a
B/o ~
(im getting a lot of messages on guru about the polars ~ i dont have b/o's for them atm so make offers instead of messaging me
Q8 Str Cele Shield (OS)
+10vs Slashing
S/b 1337g
C/o 20e
B/o ~
9 Primeval Rems
B/o 2e/ea
Unded Cele Rabbit (x2)
B/o 50k/ea
Unded + Ded Polar Bear ~q8 cele Shield ~
Jon 1337
Enchanted Krystal
Q8 Str Cele Shield (OS)
+10vs Slashing
+10vs Slashing
Pretty cool shield. 12e to move it along.
IGN: Rocks Into Mordor
IGN: Rocks Into Mordor
Da Boss
20e cele shield
ign Lord Warmonga
ign Lord Warmonga
85a on ded polar & 110a on unded polar
IGN-Drittz The Deadly
IGN-Drittz The Deadly
30e on the celestial shield......