Looking for NM - Thunderhead Keep mission runner

Imbui SkinFlayer

Imbui SkinFlayer

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006




"***Closed - bumped early by mistake***"



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2011

Louisiana, US

Pain Train Choo [Choo]

My service offers this mission in NM for 18k. Here's a link to the service: Click!

I see that you need the mission for Cartography purposes, so I'm of course willing to clear the alternate Tengu path at the beginning of the mission and leave the keep at the end of the mission and clear all of the surrounding areas and even just hold the Mursaat up at their spawn point for however long it takes you to map the entire area.

If you're interested, please make an official post requesting the mission on our service thread. Thanks.