Hey so ive listed all items just post which number item you want and your ign if you wish to pm me my ign is : The Immortal Gabio
I also reserve the right to sell in game and trades will be on a first come first serve basis.
1# - SOLD
2# -SOLD
3# - SOLD to Pewter Brain
4# - 10k
5# - 5k
6# - SOLD
7# - SOLD
8# 3x Diessa Chalices - SOLD
9# 2x Cloths of the Brotherhood - SOLD
10# 2x Elite Ritulist tomes - SOLD
11# 6x Elite Dervish tomes - 5k/ea
12# 2x Elite Assassin tomes - 3k/ea
13# 3x Elite Ranger tome - 5k
14# 12x Elite Warrior tomes - 5k/ea
15# 5x Elite Mesmer tomes - 6k/ea
16# 5x Elite Elementalist tomes - 6k/ea
17# 1x Elite Necromancer tome - 6k
18# - 5k
19# Unded Jade Armor -5k
20# Unded Whiptail Devourer -5k
21# Q10 Dead Sword inscriptable - 1k
22# Q10 Aureate Aegis (Motivation) - SOLD
23# - 5k
24# Tormented Shield (Tactics) - SOLD
25# Q9 Gothic Axe inscriptable - 5k
26# - 5k
27# q9 OS Fellblade cold dmg, 14^50, +7 armor - 5k
GREEN WEAPONSRocktails Stinger SOLDRohabs Axe 2kWayward Wand 2kGrim Shadow staff SOLDBison Cup x2 1kScepter of the Keeper SOLDMallyxs Cruelty SOLDLyssas Bedlam 4kMurakais Reaver SOLDRotwing Recurve bow 4kStygian Scythe x1 1kKerrshs Staff 4kShiro's sword SOLDMallyx's Edge SOLDGrim Shadow Staff (SR) x2 1kKanaxai's Edge SOLDMallyx Courage SOLDRitulist Shadow Staff 1kDivine Shadow Staff x4 SOLDRitulistic Ghostly staff x3 SOLDRitulistic Shadow staff SOLDAlsin's Walking stick SOLDPlague-Soaked Stave 1kScythe of Corruption -SOLD
Inscriptions/Mods - all max unless otherwise stated-5/20% for shield - SOLD+45hp w/enchted for shield x1 10kSundering dagger tang x 2 SOLDFocus core of fortitude x1 SOLDFocus core of devotion x 1 SOLDStaff wrapping of encthing x2 3kWand wrapping of memory x3 1kHammer Grip of Demonslaying 1kSezie the day x1 1k+10vs fire SOLD+10vs lightning SOLD +10vs peircing SOLD+30hp for shield SOLD+10vs blunt damage SOLDScythe grip of enchanting SOLDSword pommel of enchanting x1 2kInsighful staff head +5e x1 2kHale and hearty +5e^50% x1 2kHave faith +5e w/enchted 2kAxe grip of deathbane 2k
MiscDestroyer cores x 65 200gMonument tapestries x10 3kSuperb charr carvings x98 200g
Trade contracts SOLD
Full map for Snowmans Dungeon x 12 1k
Scrolls to the Deep x 47 100g
Scrolls to Urgoz Warren x8 100g
DED Mini's
Harpy Ranger
Summit Giant herder
Cave spider
Cele Dragon
Burning Titan
Forest Minotaur
Wind rider
Zhu Hanuku
Cobalt Scabara
Seige devourer
Roaring ether
Cele Rabbit
Mini pig
Dredge brute
Quetzal sly
Scourge Manta
Temple Guardian
Palawa Joko
Mandragor imp
Fire Drake
Ophil Nahuali
1k eachK
Happing Shopping!
17 May 2012 at 17:46 - 2
5k on number #6
ign : i is da monk fool
(will go nice with my q8 ones)
17 May 2012 at 18:39 - 3
Interested in #1
IGN: Demetrian Whitebear
17 May 2012 at 19:21 - 4
8# 3x Diessa Chalices - Offer
ill give 1 ecto each
ign cold as my heart
17 May 2012 at 21:32 - 5
All your trade contracts 3k?
Raven Shatterphim
18 May 2012 at 17:44 - 6
Bump .....New items added
18 May 2012 at 17:50 - 7
Fendi's Focus 1k
Tattered Fan 2k
IGN Raiya Antares
Edit: Thank you very much!
19 May 2012 at 05:59 - 8
Inscription: +10vs piercing x1 1k
250 Scales x 1 1K
250 Tanned Hide x 5 1K
IGN: Fawn Huntress
19 May 2012 at 08:27 - 9
2x Cloths of the Brotherhood - 4k/ea
+30hp for shield x4 2k
IGN - Funeral Spring
19 May 2012 at 09:54 - 10
+10vs fire x2 1k
+10vs lightning x1 1k
+10vs peircing x1 1k
+30hp for shield x4 2k
Scythe grip of enchanting x1 3k
Sundering dagger tang x 2 1k
Focus core of fortitude x1 1k
Focus core of devotion x 1 1k
Mallyxs Cruelty 1k
Grim Shadow staff 1k
Ritulist Shadow Staff 1k
Divine Shadow Staff x4 1k
Ritulistic Ghostly staff x3 1k
Ritulistic Shadow staff 1k
Alsin's Walking stick 1k
250 Tanned Hide x 5 1K
250 Scales x 1 1K
250 Chitin Fragments x 2 1K
Scepter of the Keeper 2k
b/o on all of this plz
ign--> sir lester burnham (or) sunshine air oh
19 May 2012 at 10:03 - 11
Ill take the aegis of terror 10k
nilah recim
19 May 2012 at 15:13 - 12
Murakais Reaver 1k
Mallyx's Edge 1k
Kanaxai's Edge 1k
Mallyx Courage 1k
IGN: Lazy One
19 May 2012 at 15:34 - 13
23# Q10 Aureate Aegis (Motivation) - 2k
20 May 2012 at 00:57 - 14
Bump new items added
20 May 2012 at 08:13 - 15
b/o on 250Bolt of Cloth(x3)- 1k/ea, #7- 10k
=13k total
IGN: Alyssa Bernal
20 May 2012 at 08:26 - 16
Ill take aegis of arghhh
ign = Spaced Sin
20 May 2012 at 09:03 - 17
10# 3x Elite Ritulist tomes - 6k/ea
ign= roxie mon
20 May 2012 at 15:40 - 18
Stygian Scythe please
ign= The Sixth God Avish
A nice player, and good quick sale
21 May 2012 at 07:04 - 19
Added b/o and lowered prices
21 May 2012 at 14:00 - 20
10# 2x Elite Ritulist tomes - 8k
ign= roxie mon
21 May 2012 at 14:33 - 21
b/o on #3 plz
IGN: Pewter Brain
22 May 2012 at 21:13 - 22
Everything must go - post what you think is reasonable price and i may go with that.
EDIT: Mods can you close please - items sold in game
Thanks all for buying
31 Jul 2012 at 01:34 - 23
Destroyer cores x 65 200g
Will take all these!!
IGN: Happy King Percy
31 Jul 2012 at 02:06 - 24
2x Grim Shadow Staff
1x Ritualistic Shadow Staff
1x Stygian Scythe
IGN: Hellios Rayearth