Q9 Perfects Crystalline, Eternal Blade, BDS, VS
Looking to sell this items:
***ADDED Birthday Cupcakes****
And Again a Q9 Eternal Blade, Voltaic Spear Q9, Q9 CC healing
Birthday Cupcakes 6x250
b/o 13e stack
Celestial Compass Q9 healing
Sold Ingame
Eternal Blade Q9 #2
SOLD vlad da imapler
Voltaic Spear (black dyed +5energy)
SOLD INGAME Exotic Saint Thanks ^.^
Sold for b/o Thanks ^.^
Sold for b/o!
BDS Healing
s/b 1e
c/o 70e vlad da imapler
b/o TBA
Eternal Blade Q9
Sold ingame Kptn Farm Thanks ^.^
I reserve the right to sell ingame:P
Enjoy the bidding! Keep the ectos rolling
IGN: Primal Gift
The Serious Monk
175e on Crystalline
50e on Echovald
ign: The Serious Monk
50e on Echovald
ign: The Serious Monk
Bumpty humpty
b/o on echovald shield
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
vlad da imapler
50 e healing bds ign vlad da imapler
100e on echovald if still available
ign: am sudan
ign: am sudan
65e bds ign: E C T O B S I
S/B Volti Spear
X Top Killa X
95e eblade
ign: X Top Killa X
ign: X Top Killa X
cha deathdealer
9e cupcakes (2x)
ign: cha deathdealer
ign: cha deathdealer
vlad da imapler
120 ecto e blade , 70e bds