2 Demon Shields
Craven Skulk
Sold. Tyvm to all bidders.
20e on Echovald
My Player Person
25e on the echo
Craven Skulk
Bump i want better offers, not in a rush to sell em.
20e for exalted
ign: hexen hexen
ign: hexen hexen
125e/each demon shield
Sophie Gifu
135 on exalted aegis.
the kryta assasin
200e exalted aegis
IGN: the kryta assasin
IGN: the kryta assasin
Craven Skulk
bump, want more offers
Craven Skulk
Bump, i will sell the Echo the next day, b/o on Exalted is set.
the kryta assasin
r/b on exalted
IGN: the kryta assasin
IGN: the kryta assasin
b/o exalted
ing killer assa oo
ing killer assa oo