Closed: Dungeons


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2012

All done myself.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2011

Louisiana, US

Pain Train Choo [Choo]

I can probably get EG HM done for you. AFK isn't doable, but I provide hero builds and instructions for your side of the grove the entire way through. The price is 25k. If you're interested, make a post here and I'll get to you as soon as I can. Thanks!

Shanked X

Shanked X

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2009

We Gat Dis


i do eternal grove <20 minutes, you can afk also.

just pop in my services offered thread if you want.

Vanquish/HM Mission Services Offered Thread

could probably do the dungeons for you too, we will have to organize when though!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2012

Eternal grove done ... still looking for someone doing the two dungeons.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2012

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Tea Powered

Join Date: May 2008



If you're desperate, I can complete those dungeons in NM using only 6 heroes.

It will not be a speed clear, but you can AFK if you want.

If you AFK, you'll be required to hold a vamp weapon (I can loan one if you need one), but I do not expect to wipe.

If you want to observe or join in, you're free to do so. If you don't want to fight and just want to watch, then bringing a hard res and Heal Party+Healer's Boon would not go amiss, but it is not necessary.

Each Slaver's Exile dungeon is expected to take approximately 30 minutes (I've just done a reality check in Forgewight on my Ele and it took 29 minutes after the most atrocious start I've ever had in that dungeon, including my HM runs). I would expect to be faster, but losing the 7th hero hurts speed and stability.
Don't doubt that I'll finish; I regularly clear the SE dungeons in HM in 30 minutes using 7H.

Shards of Orr is expected to take longer. I'm not sure how long it'll take, but I expect to be done in under an hour. For Fendi Ninn, I have a strategy that will require you to stay close to me or stay away from the chamber.

If you disconnect part way through a dungeon, I will charge you a percentage of the dungeon price depending how far through we were.

I will charge the following:
4e for Shards of Orr
3e for each SE dungeon (12e for all of them)


The earliest I can do this will be this Friday afternoon, GMT+1. My last university examination is Friday morning. I will try to contact early that afternoon. If I don't get hold of you then I expect to be breaking out the whisky quite early on Friday and I'm less confident in clean clears whilst drunk. I'll be available regularly following that.

IGN: Xenos Mortis
I'll probably do the dungeons using my Elementalist: Marcus Levitus


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2012

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