PvX What else can I do ?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2012

So I am level 20 now and still know a very little of this game.
My last mission was killing some general and I do not know where to find the next PvE quest.
With no quest and no experience I walk from somewhere to no where and back again..

I tried to do some PvP with a descent build (Ra/E although it could be better) crappy armor and weapons and no means for healing during the fight (Is that ingame available ? ) I have won one arena fight but the other 5.936 fights I have lost. (ok not that many )

What else can I do in this great game ? The only thing I can think of is joining a guild. Not to get stuff for free or having an easy life but more hoping to find players who are willing to introduce and educate me more in the world of Guild Wars.

If I play, it will be mostly in de evening on european times.
So if a guild is willing to accept me. PM me in-game.

Sir Misclick

P.S. I know what means PVE en PvP, but what means PvX ??