Bugged gold OS crystalline (one of a kind!), q8 FDS swords, other nice wands, shields
Dimmuborgir Satan
Hey there...
I want to sell here my OS crystalline sword...
It has a bugged mod... Has 20/20 sundering on it but doesnt show in the name ->Bug....
If offers arent nice, i will just customize it on my rit.
So get it if you want, NOW. only chance.
If the picture doesnt show, simply click the link instead.
Also selling a few other things, see below...
S/B: 200e
EDIT: If u might have q8 jade axe +5 energy for sale, we might include it into the trade if u want this crysta.
Jadeaxe is one of the last things i want for my collection
Also sellin a few more nice things:
Just offer.
I want to sell here my OS crystalline sword...
It has a bugged mod... Has 20/20 sundering on it but doesnt show in the name ->Bug....
If offers arent nice, i will just customize it on my rit.
So get it if you want, NOW. only chance.
If the picture doesnt show, simply click the link instead.
Also selling a few other things, see below...
S/B: 200e
EDIT: If u might have q8 jade axe +5 energy for sale, we might include it into the trade if u want this crysta.
Jadeaxe is one of the last things i want for my collection
Also sellin a few more nice things:
Just offer.
250e crysta ,............................
15e 15^50 fds
no name error
no name error
25e on FDS
Dracono Lavos
Dracono Lavos
Flint Lightning
26e 15^50 FDS
10e 15st FDS
10e 15st FDS
Dimmuborgir Satan
buuuuuuuuuump :>
The Mountain
275 crys.....
Dimmuborgir Satan
bbbbbbbbbbbbbump more offers on crysta pls
Dimmuborgir Satan
bbbbbbbbbbbbbump more offers on crysta pls bbbbbbbbbbbbbump more offers on crysta pls
Lithril Ashwalker
300e cryst + 1e interest for 2 months
IGN: Lithril Ashwalker
IGN: Lithril Ashwalker
11e on stance fds
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
35e 15% stance FDS
ign Revenge For Aeris
ign Revenge For Aeris