i took a break from GW and i was wondering what these were worth, if anything.
i have 5 outcast staffs ranging from different req. to different attributes, a JellyFish wand req. 13 smiting, Astral Staff req. 9 spawning, an Emblazoned Defender req. 9 tactics, Eternal Shield, Iridescent Aegis, Diamond Aegis, Eagle Defender, and Demonic Aegis all req. 9 command. and a Clockwork Sythe req. 12
Thank you for any help!
PC on a few items
Can't tell much. Needs more info
Outcasts staff arent that all popular prob salvage max mods or merch
cant really tell about shields just by req.
Outcasts staff arent that all popular prob salvage max mods or merch
cant really tell about shields just by req.
Agree with take_me. Edit your original post with screenshots of the non-inscribable stuff. And if the Emblazoned Defender is inscribable, please specify.
q9 SP Astral Staff - 35k
q9 Com Eternal Shield - 15-20k
q9 Com Iridescent Aegis - 3-5k
q9 Com Diamond Aegis - 3-5k
q9 Com Eagle Defender - merchant
q9 Com Demonic Aegis - 5-8k (hard sale)
q12 Clockwork Scythe - 30-35k
And as take_me said, please edit your original post rather than replying to the thread. You are allowed one bump per 24 hours, and *any* reply to your own thread is considered a bump.
q9 SP Astral Staff - 35k
q9 Com Eternal Shield - 15-20k
q9 Com Iridescent Aegis - 3-5k
q9 Com Diamond Aegis - 3-5k
q9 Com Eagle Defender - merchant
q9 Com Demonic Aegis - 5-8k (hard sale)
q12 Clockwork Scythe - 30-35k
And as take_me said, please edit your original post rather than replying to the thread. You are allowed one bump per 24 hours, and *any* reply to your own thread is considered a bump.