Hello you!
I'm a former player coming back home to prepare for GW2. My account being now over 4 year old, I'd be happy to share my birthdays minis with anybody who would give me a hand with the HoM reward meter.
I've had a lot of fun playing with my friends at the time, but it's harder than I thought to get back to the business (although I'm an avid wiki reader), and I both can't & don't wish to spend too much time in-game.
So I'm looking for some experienced, knowledgeable player(s) to help me through tips, runs, trading or whichever legal means to achieve some more points in my HoM.
Current HoM: 5 pts
3 in Honor for the link
2 in Devotion for 1st mini + Rare mini (Asura from an old magazine)
I've dedicated all of the birthdays minis (Necrid, Juggernaut, Ether, Dryder) of my main char, a lvl 19 Mo/N. I've been more lucky and patient with my alt and didn't dedicate anything.
Here's what I have for you (all unded) :
1st Year - purple Charr shaman
2nd Year - purple Koss
3rd Year - purple Freezie
4th Year - white Quetzal Sly
If you're interested or if you just have some good tricks to share, please PM me! What should we start with?
Note that I don't own Factions or Nightfall.
@ Scammers: get lost, sincerely
@ Moderators: I've gone through the guidelines and concluded such a topic was allowed and in the right place here. If not, could you forward me to the correct place or comment on what should be changed?
@ All: thanks for reading!
LF Senior player to help with HoM