Ornate Shield OS/dual mod, insc/os weapons
#1: sb: 5k // bo: 35k [co: 5k ]
#2: sb: 1k // bo: 15k [co: 5k ]
#3: *Sold In-Game*
#4: sb: 1k // bo: 15k [co: -- ]
#5: sb: 5k // bo: 40k [co: -- ]
#6: sb: 1k // bo: 20k [co: -- ]
#7: sb: 5e // bo: 45e [co: 10e ]
#8: sb: 5k // bo: 45k [co: 15k (The Moment via PM)]
#9: sb:1k // bo: 10k [co: -- ]
#10: sb: 5k // bo: 10k [co: -- ]
#11: sb: 5k // bo: 10k [co: -- ]
#12: sb: 10k // bo: 65k or 9e [co: 25k ]
sb: 5k // bo: 45k [co: 10k ]
sb: 5k // bo: 45k [co: -- ]
IGN is Rdy Set Willis, but you're more likely to get ahold of me via PM or posting in this thread.
Bump for another day
Averaine Clou
10e #7
To the top with ye!
A Godsend
25k on #12 A Godsend
Bring it up up up
Dark Icicle
S/b on #1
5k on #2
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
The Moment
hi i also offer 10k on #13
Bring up my post
The Moment
and 15k on #14