Curious if this is worth anything
Thanks you all for the PC's!!
Closed: PC Q8 +5 Amber Longbow
Lithril Ashwalker
might get about 80e on it since the skin is sought often by collectors
Coffee Man
Amber bows are one of the most common skins when it comes to req8 bows, it's not "often" sought by collectors, actually it's kinda unwanted imo..
it's more like 20-35e imo (35e being if u find a collector who rly want it)
it's more like 20-35e imo (35e being if u find a collector who rly want it)
the skin is not sought after, agreed with above, although past 20e is pushing it imo.
20-25e. ugly skin.
Definetely not sought after, extremely common skin. agree with the ~20e pc's