Closed: PC on r9 OS (?) strength Shadow Shield and unID'ed blue rune?

Meow Ren

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2011

Black Hand Gang


Hello, might I get a price check on the following shield:

Shadow Shield, r9 (str), AR+10 vs lighting and physical dmg -5 (19%)

Both mods are inherent.

Also, possible price check on an odd rune I ended up with:

I don't recall ever coming across a rune that is completely unidentified before....

EDIT: ty TSBasilisk! I hadn't realized you could salvage a rune from unid'ed drops and have it come out as unid'ed itself

EDIT #2: Cool, thanks all for the help. Looks like some hero is getting a shield and the rune trader gets a random rune :P


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005

The rune was salvaged from an unidentified armor. Identify it and sell from there; highly doubt anyone will buy it as is.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2009



Shadow Shields are common and generally undesired skins, -5(x%) is not a good second for vsX shields and this one has an imperfect version of it (19%) therefore id say this one is merchfood



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2009

GMT -5


Shadow Shield may fetch 10k max imo but will be a hard sell
For the rune id and sell to the rune trader