Nothing Special Storage Cleaning
Weapon Upgrades
Scythe Grip of Warding
Furious Sword Hilt
Barbed Bowstring x2
Sword Pommel of Fortitude
Ebon Hammer Haft
Ebon Axe Haft
Insightful Staff Head x2
Fiery Bowstring
Shield Handle of Endurance (+44)
Dagger Handle of Shelter
Spear Grip of Fortitude (+29) x2
Cruel Sword Hilt
Icy Sword Hilt
Sword Pommel of Swordsmanship
Wand Wrapping of Quickening x2
Shocking Axe Haft
Axe Grip of Defense
Fiery Sword Hilt
Staff Wrapping of Warding
Fiery Axe Haft x2
Ebon Scythe Snathe
Dedicated MinipetsJungle Troll
Siege Turtle
Heket Warrior
Necrid Horseman
Temple Guardian
Thorn Wolf
MiscellaneousRegular Mesmer Tome
Just go ahead and make an offer in this thread and I'll PM you ingame as soon as i can.
IGN: Wedge Charr (If you don't feel comfortable posting on the forum)
Just go ahead and make an offer in this thread and I'll PM you ingame as soon as i can.
IGN: Wedge Charr (If you don't feel comfortable posting on the forum)
Fatally Flaw
"Aptitude not Attitude" --5k
Staff Wrapping of Defense --1k
Zealous Bowstring --1k
Silencing Spearhead --2k
Sword Pommel of Defense --1k
"Hail to the King" --1k
The Bison Cup --1k
fatally flaw--12k
Staff Wrapping of Defense --1k
Zealous Bowstring --1k
Silencing Spearhead --2k
Sword Pommel of Defense --1k
"Hail to the King" --1k
The Bison Cup --1k
fatally flaw--12k
1k on all greens xD
24 Hour Bump
The Serious Monk
Scroll of Resurection x3 500g each
ign: The Serious Monk
ign: The Serious Monk
24 Hour Bump
Shanked X
2k on staff wrapping of enchanting mod
Shanked X
Shanked X
Kendal The Healer
Blue Rock Candies x5 1e
IGN : Kendal The Healer
IGN : Kendal The Healer
24 Hour Bump
Bumpity Bump
Blades Of Decree
1k zealous spearhead
Burning Baby Boom
Armor of Salvation x2
Zaishen Summoning Stones x5
Mysterious Summoning Stones x5
Cloths of the Brotherhood x2
1.5kea on armors, 500g ea summoning, 4k ea on cloths
IgN Burning baby boom
Zaishen Summoning Stones x5
Mysterious Summoning Stones x5
Cloths of the Brotherhood x2
1.5kea on armors, 500g ea summoning, 4k ea on cloths
IgN Burning baby boom
Bump bump bump
1k - Not to the face inscription (assuming it is the +10 max)
IGN - G Max
IGN - G Max
2k on the Unded Temple Guardian
IGN Anath of Cancer
Trade complete Thx!
2k on the Unded Temple Guardian
IGN Anath of Cancer
Trade complete Thx!