Mini-Pet Sale and Trade Stop



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2007

Trinity of the Ascended [ToA]


Hi there, I'm looking to either sell or trade for some minis to fill out my HoM. The trades are either break-evens or beneficial to you. I'm getting close to the end of my trading capacity and thought I'd post here to see if I can finish it off. Enjoy!

IGN: Mary Smith

Selling (offer on all)
Zhu Hanuku
Cave Spider
Wind Rider

-MY Wind Rider/Aatxe for YOUR Fire Imp/Juggernaut/Mandragor Imp
-MY Cave Spider for YOUR Forest Minotaur/Abyssal
-MY Oola for ANY TWO OF YOUR Ophil Nahualli/Scourge Manta/Seer/Shard Wolf/Siege Devourer
-MY Zhu Hanuku for ANY THREE OF YOUR Ophil Nahualli/Scourge Manta/Seer/Shard Wolf/Siege Devourer

I would also entertain trades that benefit you, as long as you are providing one of the items listed above (ex: Cave Spider for Juggernaut) and the gap isn't ridiculous. I hope this is all clear! Thanks!