Hey i need the majority of nm and hm dungeons for the handbook to aid my master of the north title.
I won't afk usually and willing to pay from 1e-4e per dungeon
ign: stunt legend
Hm + Nm Dungeons
deathmaster felix
can do a lot of gungeons NM and also some HM ones.
ingame: tribute to schwede
ingame: tribute to schwede
ooze - you provide a conset ill do it for free
oola - tips
catacombs - 4e(or 2e but you provide 3 bu's)
slavers HM(4 boss nm+ duncan HM) - 20e altogether
ooze - you provide a conset ill do it for free
oola - tips
catacombs - 4e(or 2e but you provide 3 bu's)
slavers HM(4 boss nm+ duncan HM) - 20e altogether
Whats your ingame user name raptor?