Hi there,
just need a few PC on my crap.
1. Grim Cesta, req 13 Death magic, 20/20 on Deathmagic, oldsql.
2. Shadow Bow,req 8,15^50
3. Platinum Bow,req 8, 15^50
4. Flatbow,req 8,15^50, wooden
5. Ivory Bow,req 8, 15^stance
6. Short Bow,req 8, 15^50
7. Composite Bow, req 8, 15^ench
8. Jade Bow, req 8, E+5
9. Plagueborn Axe, req 8, 15^stance
10. Summit Axe, req 8, 15^stance
Oldsql 20/20 offhand, req 8 Bows/Axes
Bahamuts Wut
1. 25-75e depending on skin
2. 30e
3. 60-75e
4. 25e
5. 50k
6. 25e
7. 30k
8. 20e
9. 50-60k
10. 10e-15e
2. 30e
3. 60-75e
4. 25e
5. 50k
6. 25e
7. 30k
8. 20e
9. 50-60k
10. 10e-15e
ivory can get up to 15-20e imo. its a really rare skin compared to other tyrians