WTB Greens! Mes/Nec/Para/Rit

Luke is baked

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2012


Looking for the Following, The exact green does not matter, Looking for the mods more thenanything, since these will be on heros

1. Death Magic Wand 20/20 x1 (5k/ea)
2. Death magic off hand 20/20 x2 (5k/ea)
3. Domination wand 20/20 x1 (6k/ea)
4. Domination offhand 20/20 x1 (6k/ea)
5. Illusion wand 20/20 x1 (6k/ea
6. Illusion offhand 20/20 x1 (6k/ea)
7. Restoration Wand 20/20 x2 (7k/ea
8. Restoration offhand 20/20 x2 (7k/ea)
9. Channeling wand 20/20 x1 (8k/ea)
10. Channeling offhand 20/20 x1 (8k/ea)

Post here, I will be online in about 5 hours.

Luke is baked

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2012


Bump up my post