Closed: WTB unded Naga + Shiroken! WTB OS q7/8 +5e Swords/Axes
closed ....
Hi There,
I'm looking to offload all my sweets, alkohol and tonics.
I haven't got large amounts (no full stacks), but we could meet up and you could see what I have and make an offer for all of it...
IGN: Red Element Wizard (I'll be online around 4-5 PM GMT+2 today)
I'm looking to offload all my sweets, alkohol and tonics.
I haven't got large amounts (no full stacks), but we could meet up and you could see what I have and make an offer for all of it...
IGN: Red Element Wizard (I'll be online around 4-5 PM GMT+2 today)
Hey, i have a unded Zhed wisp me ingame
ign: U Fake
ign: U Fake
Le Bump
Le Bump