Echovald forest Chest Runs - updated, added b/o


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2012


Echovald Shields:
1. 10/16, TAC, 10/blunt
2. 11/16, TAC, +45wE
3. 10/16, STR, +36wE, -2wE (purple) c/o lina the young eli 10k
4. 10/16, TACT, +50wH (purple)
5. 9/16 TACT, -3wH

Gothic Defenders:
6. 9/16 STR, -3wH c/o Adanel Jade 5k
7. 10/16,TACT, -2wE
8. 11/16, STR, 10/plants

Ornate Shields:
9. 9/16, TAC, -3wH

Guardian of the Hunt:
10. 10/16 STR, 10/plants

Seeking to sell quickly.
Will be updated daily with new shields for sale and a wep here and there.

b/o on everything is 2e, except number 3 which is 3e.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2012


GotH 5k, if single mod. ign Adanel Jade

lina the young eli

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2012

legendary hero eli


start 10k 3. 10/16, STR, +36wE, -2wE (purple)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2012

bumping, bumping, bumping