Bahamuts Wut
SOLD!! - Sold - nothing left - just SOLD!!!
Coffee Man
10k on it 
IGN ---> Azeral Styx

IGN ---> Azeral Styx
Bahamuts Wut
Thx for offer so far - bump to the top again.
15e on the Platinum Bow,req 8, 15^50 
IGN - Lady Deedra

IGN - Lady Deedra
2. Shadow Bow,req 8,15^50 => 10e
3. Platinum Bow,req 8, 15^50 => 10e
3. Platinum Bow,req 8, 15^50 => 10e
25k on composite bow
15e on shortbow
30e on platinum bow
15e on flatbow
15e on shortbow
30e on platinum bow
15e on flatbow
3. Platinum Bow,req 8, 15^50 => 35e
Bahamuts Wut
Thx for the offers so far - bump to the top.
50k Jade Bow
IGN: Sanctus Medellae
IGN: Sanctus Medellae
10ectos on ivory. let me know b/o plz
10e feathered longbow
ign kortas rel
ign kortas rel
Bahamuts Wut
Bump to the top - added B/os.
20e on short, flat, feathered
not going higher
not going higher
The Mountain
b/o on short and flat
25e on shadow
30e on feathered
25e on shadow
30e on feathered
B/O Plagueborn Axe
<--- IGN
<--- IGN
Bahamuts Wut
Thx for the offers so far.
Try to reach you as soon as possible ingame for trade.
Try to reach you as soon as possible ingame for trade.
Bahamuts Wut
bump to the top.
galam harness
40e plat bow ......
Bahamuts Wut
Another bump to the top.
2. Shadow Bow,req 8,15^50 - B/O pls
3. Platinum Bow,req 8, 15^50 - 45e
4. Flatbow,req 8,15^50, wooden - 30e
6. Short Bow,req 8, 15^50 - 30e
3. Platinum Bow,req 8, 15^50 - 45e
4. Flatbow,req 8,15^50, wooden - 30e
6. Short Bow,req 8, 15^50 - 30e