PC: Various items


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2012

Shadow Shield of Fortitude
Armor: 16 (13 command)
Health: 28
Insc: Fear Cuts Deeper (-20% bleed duration)

Ancient Shield
Armor: 16 (11 tactics)
Insc: I can see clearly now (-20% blind duration)

Ornate Buckler of Devotion
Armor: 16 (11 strength)
Health: 43
Insc: I can see clearly now (-20% blind duration)

Stygian Aegis
Armor: 16
Armor: +10 (vs demons)
Health: 30

Stygian Scythe
9-41 (9 scythe mastery)
Life Draining: 5
Health regen: -1
+20% enchantment duration

Furious Ancient Scythe of Defense
9-41 (9 scythe mastery)
Armor: +5
Insc: Let the Memory Live again (9% halves skill recharge)

Thanks for the help!

Averaine Clou

Averaine Clou

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2011

Dhuum And Mallyx Are Waits Play [ToYs]

Merch everything.
Stygian shield might be worth 3-5k but it's totally not worth spending time in Kama. Ppl are not even picking it up in doa anymore.