PC on some Everlasting Tonics

Miss Yae

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2012

Apologies if they actually were in the sticky PC, but I couldn't find a lot of up to date prices on these:

- Everlasting Gwen Tonic
- Everlasting Pyre Fierceshot Tonic
- Everlasting Norgu Tonic

Thanks in advance!



~I'm Proer than you~

Join Date: Sep 2006

To hot AZ!



There is a sticky at the top of the price check forum for minis and tonics


The prices are pretty right on too

The tonics were the sixth year gifts. I just came back to gw to after a 4 year break so I'm still new to all the prices and such. What I usually do when selling is check ecto prices at trader first so if they are like 9k to buy and I want to sell an item that is worth 20k then I just ask for 2e. So 1k off is how I do it, but it just depends on who is buying/selling!

Pretty sure the plat trade is not apart of the prices given in the sticky......don't quote me on that though lol

Miss Yae

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2012

Originally Posted by Olivia View Post
There is a sticky at the top of the price check forum for minis and tonics


The prices are pretty right on too
Oh darn, I think I skipped over the tonic ones thinking they were mini pets as well.
I haven't been around in ages really, how does ecto pricing work exactly?
Does it include the platinum trade cap or is the price just in ectos if it's listed as such?