Small, casual Luxon guild seeks same for meaningful alliance.:D


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2009

Milwaukee, WI

Drumming Wolves


Small, casual Luxon guild seeks same for meaningful alliance.

At this time my guild is too small for a serious alliance. If you are another small guild who would like to ally with us for the sake of expanding our game experience together please contact me ingame: Casius Wolf.

My guild currently has 10 members with varied amounts of experience and/or time played. We would like to reach the more high end areas of the game and are willing to learn. Due to the cost of inviting guilds into an alliance please be sure this small group is right for you before you ask to join. Again, we are very small and are looking for an alliance with guilds like ourselves who simply want to expand their gaming experience together. We are in no position to rule the world... yet.

*Found an alliance. Thank you everyone. =)