PC on canthan o/s chest drops - echovalds, gothics etc and more

O Nuxtofulakas

O Nuxtofulakas

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Did u check your closet?


Could you please help pc the following items? Especially the echovald r9 tactics.

thank you in advance for your support.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2008


1. 10-20k
2. 50k
3. merchant
4. 10kish imo
5. 30-50k.
6. 30-40e+ atleast imo.
7. 5-10e or so
8. 50k imo.
9. 15-25eish imo tops.

O Nuxtofulakas

O Nuxtofulakas

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Did u check your closet?


thank you for your time superaptors but i think you understimate some of the skins and their stats...

Echovard r12strength with echanting mods was sold 200e few days ago here in guru.
http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/echovald-shield-45-we-2-t10512575.html?t=10512575&highlight=echovald+shiel d+enchanted

So r9tactics is 30-50k? cmon...

Also the axe is DUAL gothic not simple one. as far as i know is at least around 20e.

I haven't played for some time yes - but at least i remember the basics



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2008


Originally Posted by O Nuxtofulakas View Post
thank you for your time superaptors but i think you understimate some of the skins and their stats...

Echovard r12strength with echanting mods was sold 200e few days ago here in guru.
http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/echovald-shield-45-we-2-t10512575.html?t=10512575&highlight=echovald+shiel d+enchanted

So r9tactics is 30-50k? cmon...

Also the axe is DUAL gothic not simple one. as far as i know is at least around 20e.

I haven't played for some time yes - but at least i remember the basics
yours is 4 off perfect, the other guys is perfect, ask anyone if they would prefer a 4 off non-perfect shield over a perfect shield.

don't like what you hear? then don't ask for a pc, your items aren't a treasure trove.

you seemingly know your prices then you obviously don't need to come to the section to ask for clarification.

20e for a gothic dual axe is a one off, if you can sell it for that much you can have this imaginary gold medal.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2012


Originally Posted by superraptors View Post
don't like what you hear? then don't ask for a pc, your items aren't a treasure trove.

you seemingly know your prices then you obviously don't need to come to the section to ask for clarification.
You're acting like your prices are correct no matter what. Nuxto came here for some discussion on the prices but you don't seem to want to give your reasons for the prices you posted, even though you say 'imo'. Just take it easy.

About #5: raptors is correct, 4 off is a lot less appealing than perfect 45/-2 stats. On the other hand, q9 is better than q12. I'd say at least 100k for this.
Dual gothic: I'm not an expert but they aren't that uncommon as far as I know, I bought a q13 +5e for 1k last month.
Eternal shield: 10e
Paper Fan: 5-10e



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2008


Originally Posted by Praise View Post
You're acting like your prices are correct no matter what. Nuxto came here for some discussion on the prices but you don't seem to want to give your reasons for the prices you posted, even though you say 'imo'. Just take it easy.

About #5: raptors is correct, 4 off is a lot less appealing than perfect 45/-2 stats. On the other hand, q9 is better than q12. I'd say at least 100k for this.
Dual gothic: I'm not an expert but they aren't that uncommon as far as I know, I bought a q13 +5e for 1k last month.
Eternal shield: 10e
Paper Fan: 5-10e
i didn't post imo on all the pc's, how about you learn to read?

and don't go quoting me if you aren't prepared for backlash, don't like the pc's? keep it to yourself

O Nuxtofulakas

O Nuxtofulakas

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Did u check your closet?


thank you Praise for your pc.
Any more opinions?

the asassina

the asassina

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2010

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5: 30k if lucky
6: 50e+