I'm playing through the Factions campaign and I just got past the part where I choose to go the Kurzick or Luxon path. I ended up talking to Jamei twice so I can go through both paths.
My question is, now that I have both questlines available, can I choose to just do one right now and then complete the Factions campaign and then after I beat the campaign, go back and do the other ones quests/missions? Or if I choose to just do one and then complete the Factions campaign, will the other ones quests no longer be available?
I hope I explained my question clearly enough (and posted this in the right section). Thanks.
Factions Campaign Kurzick/Luxon question
Martin Firestorm
You can finish one and the rest of the game, and go back and do the other.
And that's probably the better choice. By focusing on one faction at a time, you can trade all accumulated faction for the crafting material or scrolls before swapping, giving you extra gold. If you do both, you'll lose faction if you buy from the other side and rez shrines will be denied if you're on the wrong faction side.
Lithril Ashwalker
regardless of what you choose dont feel pressured into choosing any specific side of a guild to join, it doenst matter becuase imperial faction is gained first in pvp areas which you can later trade to kurz or lux points anyway or even balthazar.
*cough* lux usually win
*cough* lux usually win
All faction points gain from the side you choose must be used up in order to befriend the other side, so spend your faction points wisely like Amber Chunks/Jadeite Shards...
@OP (techman) The preferred way to do it is to complete one side and then the other. You can do one side, then complete the Factions campaign, then do the other - or do them one after another - or both at the same time - or only do one side. (You'll need to do both sides for some titles though).
regardless of what you choose dont feel pressured into choosing any specific side of a guild to join, it doenst matter becuase imperial faction is gained first in pvp areas which you can later trade to kurz or lux points anyway or even balthazar.
And, of course, English may not be your native language.... but......