Gold r9 Crystalline & Gold r9 Eternal Blade

Zheds Dead

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2012


What's up fellas, I have a couple items I would like PCd if yall have a sec. I have:

Gold r9 INSCR Furious Eternal Blade of Fortitude
Perfect Stats on all Mods

Gold r9 INSCR Furious Eternal Blade of Fortitude
Perfect Stats on all Mods

Thank you in advanced!


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2012

Blood Gods Wrath II

Why let things getting PC´ed wich are traded 24/7 in kamadan with the same prices...


Zheds Dead

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2012


Sorry mate, I don't have access to Kamadan, yeah? I'm new here so don't get me wrong, I'm not questioning your Price Checking authority but I'm having a hard time believing an Eternal Blade costs as much as a Crystalline, yeah?


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2011

in case you just mistyped one eternal:
Eternal q9 inscr. is 115-125e (130e is tough to get but possible with patience)
Crystalline q9 inscr. is 420e++ (seen people trying to sell for 600e already, but i guess thats just buhaki)

In case the Crystalline is oldschool i just say congratz :P

*edit: in case of inscr. weapons the mods don't count at all since they are worth max 5k each

*edit again: you still have two ETERNAL blades (so 2x same weapon for pricecheck). You Headline says Crysta and Eternal :P

Zheds Dead

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2012


Originally Posted by Armyofdarkness View Post
in case you just mistyped one eternal:
Eternal q9 inscr. is 115-125e (130e is tough to get but possible with patience)
Crystalline q9 inscr. is 420e++ (seen people trying to sell for 600e already, but i guess thats just buhaki)

In case the Crystalline is oldschool i just say congratz :P
Awesome, thank you. I just fixed that minor detail. Would the prices be for the weapons in clean mode or with the mods?


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2012

Blood Gods Wrath II

like he said, mods doesnt matter 5k each mod max price makes max 15k, at a weapon of 130 or 420e its not enough to be takes seriously into the PC