Here comes the latest version of my sell thread:
Everything is oldschool, no inscription crap to get rid off this time
High End:
2. Celestial Shield Set - only sold as set!q7tac +10vs Piercing -2wE
q7tac -2wE +10vs Slashing
q7tac -2wE +10vs Bluntc/o 1337e - manny is legend
will re-list later
5. Tower Shield q9str +28HP +10vs Undead
Sold for b/o to Fu8ar
6. Ornate Buckler 14arm q6tac ( 14/6 ) +10vs Blunt +45wE
Sold for b/o to Dar Drakor
7. Crude Shield
waiting for Ange to reply to pm, before I won´t sell
8. Crude Shield
waiting for Ange to reply to pm, before I won´t sell
9. prenerf Fiery Dragon Sword ( FDS ) q8 13^50 +30HP
Sold to superraptors
Oddball Collector and Low End - all gone!
1. Shadow Shield q13str -5/19 +27 - Sold for b/o to The Serious Monk
3. Shadow Shield q13str -5/19 +27 - Sold for b/o to The Serious Monk
4. Tower Shield 12arm q7str -2wS +10vs Ogre merched after 2 weeks
10. Halo Axe 6-16 q8 15^50 merched after 2 weeks
11. Gemstone Axe 6-18 q8 15^50 merched after 2 weeks
12. Grim Cesta 8ene q5Death HCT 10% HSR Blood 20% gonna keep for lulz
13. Shadow Blade q9 15^50
Sold for b/o to terahh of death
14. Earth Staff q9 19/9 merched after 2 weeks
15. Fire Staff q10 19/19 merched after 2 weeks
16. Jeweled Staff q10 19/19 merched after 2 weeks
I hope you find something in here, that might make you happy, added many collector-specific items, hope there are still collectors out there.
In case you have anything like oldschool Tower Shields or Defenders or other stuff that meets my demands specified in my WTB thread can pm, so we can arrange a trade possibly.
My IGN is Red Fireball Rusher
I´ll be more often checking here than ingame tho, so for specific questions: pls send me a pm!
cheers, Red!