Equippable Items:
10e Blue Goldleaf Defender q8 motivation, 16al, inscribable (currently "luck of the draw," received physical dmg -5; 12% chance)
10k Blue Fiery Dragon Sword q9, inscribable (currently "show me the money" improved sale value)
1k each Greens Shelboh's Gaze, Cyndr's Heart, Thorgall's Shield, Maul of the Kinslayer
5k Green Rose Focus
Mods & Inscriptions:
1k Heavy Spearhead x2, Vampiric Sword Hilt
2k "Seize the Day" Inscription x2, Wand Wrapping of Memory (Perfect), Sundering Spearhead
5k "Swift as the Wind" Inscription
400g/ea "Measure for Measure x5
3k Powerstone of Courage
IGN: Dimi Altana
Storage Sale (Equippable Items, Mods & Inscriptions, Misc. Items)
please see op
Heavy Spearhead - 1k IGN: Pomona Alune
5k Undedicated Jungle Troll Minipet
5k Cloth of the Brotherhood x6
Warmaster Aycee
5k Cloth of the Brotherhood x6
Warmaster Aycee