Hi there!
I'm a little bit confused about the price information of a unded Zhu-Hanuku.
In the price guide it's listed with 70k-100k.
In another price guide of a German Forum it's listet with about 50k-60k
If I have a look at the currently sold Hanukus I find topics where it was sold for 100k. But there are also other topics where the owner couldn't sell it for 45k.
Because of the huge price differences I'm quite confused. Could you please help me out?
btw: Sorry for my bad English. It's not my first language. I would appreciate it if you could tell me my mistakes
Closed: Confusing price information about Mini Zhu-Hanuku
Averaine Clou
45-75k sounds like market fluctuation to me. Find a nutter with too much cash and he might buy it for 100k+, or you might spend two days in Kamadan and get no offers over 50k. It's just market fluctuation, nothing more.
Don't get too hung up on exact prices - the markets are super-volatile these days as people quit or luquidise their items to fund their HOM.
Hope this helps ^ ^
@Averaine Clou: thank you for that link. Didn't know this side so far. Very helpful!
@MaxBorken: thx for your opinion. I'll try my best ;-)
@MaxBorken: thx for your opinion. I'll try my best ;-)