Hi, i need to make some space and i need money to get more Hom points. So i clean my bank. If you interested to buy something contact me. We can agree on the price.
IGN: Wizards Monk
Gold weapons/shield( all insc with random mods):
q9 weapons:
2xBlazing wing wand (q9 fire) -5k/ea
Spinal Staff (q9 blood) - 5k
Razorclaw scythe - 10k
Ancient Hornbow - 5k
Shadow Shield q9 Motivation - 10k
Amethyst Aegis q9 Moti- 20 k
Spawning wand q9 spawn - 15k
Earth prism q9 earth- 5k
Vertebreaker - 30k
Darkwing defender q9 str - 60k
Dragon spire staff q9 inp - 20k
Diamond aegis q9 tact - 10k
Embossed Aegis q9 tact- 30k
Shadow Axe - 10k
Brass spear - 8k
Flamberg - 10k
Adamantine Falchion - 5k
Sephis sword - 30k
Non insc!! q9 gold:
Ebon flamber of enchanting with 19% enchanting - 5k
q10 Weap ( all insc with random mods):
Colossal scimitar - 8k
Dead sword - 10k
Blade axe - 8k
Green weapons:
Kanaxai's Mallet - 5k
The Bloodspear - 5k
Gorrel"s staff - 5k
Suli's scythe - 5k
The Stonehart - 5k
Mallyx's Defense- 5k
Mallyx's Reaver - 5k
Forgotten Flatbow - 8k
Grim Shadow staff - 5k
Harmony - 5k
Weapon mods(max):
3XSword Pommel Of Fortitude 30hp - 3k/ea
Zealous sworld hilt - 4k
2x Axe Grip of Fortitude 30hp - 3k
Axe Grip of Enchanting - 5k
Dagger Handle of Enchanting (20%) - 4k
Vampiric Dagger Tang - 5k
Furious dagger tang - 4k
2xsundering hammer haft (20%) - 3k/ea
Hammer Grip of Fortitude 30hp- 4k
Insightful staff head 5e - 2k/ea
Hale staff head 30hp - 4k
Adept Staff head (20%) - 4k
3XWand wrapping of memory (20%) - 2k/ea
Wand Wrapping of Quickening (10%) - 5k
Shield handle of Fortitude 30hp - 8k
2x Hale and Hearty - 1,5k/ea
Master of My Domain - 1,5k
2x I have the power 1,5k/ea
Let the memory live again - 1,5k
Strength and Honor - 1,5 k
Don't think twice - 3k
Mini pets (all ded!!): If you want buy one contect me and we agree on the price.
Whiptail devourer, fire imp, quetzal sly, roaring eather, 2xtemple guardian, Wind rider, Hydra, Necrid horseman, Fire, drake, Summit giant herder, Cobalt Scabara, Shard Wolf, Desert Grifon, 3xHeket Warrior, 2x kveldulf, 2xcloudtouch simian, Mursaat, Aatxe, Jade Armor, 2xSiege Turtle, 2xCave Spider, Juggernaut, Mandragor Imp, 2xfungal wallow, forest minotaur, dredge brute,
Elf, Kirin, Burning Titan, Char Shaman, candysmith marley, Ventari,
Pig, water djinn, flame djinn
52 Ministerial commendation - 1,5k/ea -sold!!
3 Gold zaishen coins - 16k ea - sold!!
4 stygian gemstones - 2k ea
86 candy corn - 21k
73 candy apples- 18k
Bank cleanup
b/o on 52 Ministerial Commendation - 78k
IGN: Arghool Freeda
-4 GMT (6pm-11pm)
IGN: Arghool Freeda
-4 GMT (6pm-11pm)
Kendal The Healer
Thank You Very Much!
Trade was very fast.
Trade was very fast.
bump bump bump bump
I'll take Gorrels Staff and a +30 pommel, ign: balashi ftw