Question about HSR/HCT Stacking.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2012

I've recently decided to change my Air Wand to something more flashy, namely the Tormented Scepter which has an inherent HSR 20 to <attribute> and is inscribable.

Now since Wand Wrapping upgrades only give HSR <attribute> and HSR <ALL>, if HSR doesn't stack this would effectively mean the Wand Wrapping upgrade slot for the Tormented Scepter is useless.

So my questions:

1) Does HSR <attribute> stack with HSR <attribute> on the SAME WAND?
2) Does HSR <attribute> stack with HSR <ALL> on the SAME WAND?
3) Does the above apply to HCT as well?


EDIT: And by stacking I meant either through direct compounded chance or through separate "dice rolls".

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

-You can't have multiple HSR (or HCT) mods on the same item (one will correspond to the wrapping and the other will correspond to the inscription). You can, however, have a set of HCT and HSR mods on the wand and another set of HCT and HSR mods on the offhand.
-Percentages multiply. See here:


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2012

Apparently the Nightbringer has 2 HCT 20 mods, or is that just staff-specific?

So if the HSR mods don't stack, the Wand Wrapping slot for the Tormented Scepter is redundant?

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

You didn't quite understand my point. You can't have two HCT or HSR mods on a wand simply because the mods don't exist. To be more specific, you can't put a HCT mod in the wrapping slot simply because there is no HCT wand wrapping. There is a HCT inscription and a HSR wand wrapping, and the same system applies for offhands.

See here:

Staves follow a different mod structure, so you have shown.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2012

I think I did.

The question is whether the stat is considered an inherent property or is already "upgraded" per se.

For staffs and 2H magical weapons it looks as if these properties have a chance for being inherent while 1H wands and focii seem to come already upgraded.

Mods can close this topic now.

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

Oh, right. I misunderstood your issue. A wand (or offhand/shield) has either two inherent mods or has both an inscription and wand wrapping slot. When you trade an armbrace to the Deacon of Whispers the item you get already has a mod (a HCT wrapping for the wand). See here:

Staves are mostly the same. Uninscribable staves have an inherent HCT mod, another inherent mod, and a prefix and suffix mod. Inscribable staves have an inherent HCT mod, an inscription slot, a prefix mod and a suffix mod.

//Leaving this open for further clarification if you need it