Closed: LF Elona Vanq, Urgoz and Tyria HM mish + bonus
Looking for someone who could run HM Missions in Tyria for me, someone to Vq all of Elona and a Urgoz "Helper". Paying Well for all of these. GMT is +10 (Australia) and im on most days 9am-11am and nights 5pm-11pm. IGN is Lazuris Of The Seed but please post on here before pm ingame
I'm posting here before pm'ing you in game, but I rarely put my ign in the forum posts so you still won't know it's me.
How awesome is that?
I'll be pm'ing you about "helping" with Urgoz.
How awesome is that?
I'll be pm'ing you about "helping" with Urgoz.
Also need a Eotn Dungeon Run HM and NM
Also need a Eotn Dungeon Run HM and NM
Urgoz done by obastable thanks so much.
Urgoz done by obastable thanks so much.