Seeking Vanqs(Elona) WITH OFFER(20+ectos per)

Net The Nabi

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2008


[LoD] IGN: The Netnabi


Jahai Bluffs
Arjok Ward
Dejarin Estate
Turais Proscession
The Sulferous Wastes
Joko's Domain
Shattered Remains

These are the 7 Vanqs that myself and 2 other friends need completed. Money is virtually no object, just pm/post a reasonable price for the seven of them with the three of us in party(afk). If these runs go well and are fairly priced we have a few individual things each to buy aswell(meaning other vanqs without each other).

Thanks for your time.

We are looking to spend around 20 ectos per vanq. Hopefully giving that number will entice a few people to help us out.



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2009


me and a friend will run u ign- Master Yupyup

Net The Nabi

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2008


[LoD] IGN: The Netnabi


Sounds good, I will pm you to set up times.

Fly Fly Butterfly

Fly Fly Butterfly

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2011


Hi, if you are still interested about vq Joko's Domain, I'm gonna to do that vq this weekend - just pm me on guru or in game: Coralline Verse.