Can't add pet to Monument of Fellowship
I leveled an Elder Black Wolf to 20 on my Necro/Ranger via regular missions but I'm not seeing any option to display/add a pet statue to the Monument of Fellowship (the pet is with my when I entered the HoM). I already have the tapestry for it and have added MOX's statue to it. I've tried relogging on the off chance something was bugged. Any idea on what could be the problem here? Appreciate any suggestions.
Meow Ren
check to make certain your HoM isn't in "account wide" view? If not sure, speak with the NPC by the door.
What Meo Ren said. If that isn't it, the pet might not have been evolved. To correct that release it into the zaishen menagery and ask the npc in there to spawn the same lvl 20 pet with evolution. Capture that evolved pet and then it will be accepted.