Dhuums Rest [Rest] is a New forming guild, Looking to gain more members in to the guild and in to the Alliance.
What we do everyday in the Alliance
Fissure of Woe (FoW), Underworld (UW),The Deep, Urgoz's Warren, Domain of Anguish (DoA), HM/NM missions in every campaign, Zaishen Mission/Bounty.
What Are The Requirements?
*Knowing at least one spot(or whiling to learn) in Fissure of Woe (FoW) or Underworld (UW).
*Whiling to work with a team of people that tell you what to do if it comes down to it in a run.
*Vent is not needed on all runs but is welcomed if you have it.
*being active and not being off for more then a week with out telling the leader or one of the officers.
If you are looking to Join or want more information PM me in game under the name: I got a huge bow.
Im on around 12 hours a day and Im the Co-Founder of Dhuums Rest.
Also message on here.
PvE: Dhuums Rest [Rest]