PvE: Let Rastigan [taNk]


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2010


[taNk] is a small european/american speedclear guild that focusses on FoWsc and Dungsc. Therefore we are constantly looking for more people who are experienced in those two things. The requirements to join our guild is that you are able to do at least 4 roles in fowsc. Any Dungsc experience is a bonus. Vent isn't a requirement though it would be appreciated if you had it.

[taNk] runs are most of the time t2/t3way runs though it happens that it can be t4 or t5. Besides 8 man FoWclears we also try 2-3-4 man FoWclears.

If you would like to join, please apply on our site http://letrastigantank.freeforums.org.

If you have anymore questions, pm me (IGN Nelson Le Grand)