I'm looking for someone to vanquish all of Tyria for me. Since this is the last thing I need for GWAMM I'm willing to pay quite outrageous prices. A total of 500e for the entire continent should suffice. I'll also pay for each zone if no one is willing to run the entire thing. About 6,5k per zone + 200g each foe should be enough I think. These prices are somewhat negotiable.
I'm also looking for someone to vanquish the last 17 zones I need in Elona. I'll pay 200e for this. I'm only interested in one person doing all of this. ~1 person has noted their interest in this.
And finally, I need 15 books done, paying 10e per book.
IGN: Blur Media
MAJOR EDIT: These offers have to be put on hold for now since I got hacked and lost ~1000 ectos.