Closed: Rank 5 Delver - Snowmans LAIR - NM



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2011

United States of America

[boo] [KvZ]


I need someone to do this dungeon for me up onto Rank 5 of the Delver Title.

Please don't do part of it, I need it all done in one single time.

I need it done in Normal Mode, as I am level 10 trying to reach Chaos Gloves. I currently own an Obsidian Set for my Ranger, which is on level 10.

If done in normal mode, I need 26,000 points for R5 Delver, and each run in the dungeon is 1.5k points. This is about 17-18 times in Normal Mode.

I won't be apart of it, I will be following, but for the sanity of my favoritism towards low level, I will standby but NOT attack/defend or stand in earshot.

I will not be AFK During these services, I am willing to pay whatever you and I come to negotiation!


EDIT: Got all the runs completed, thanks to everyone who helped out!
IGN: Mini Cash



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2012


Hi, I'm willing to knock these out with you sometime. PM me and we can work out some prices.

IGN Eronia Exumey