Weapons & misc. HoM b/o option

Gingelyr Sea

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2011


Closed: Got it myself

I am dumping the following items to go from 28/30 to 30/30. In addition to buying any of these items a la carte, I will sell the entire package for the items or gold necessary for me to buy my last two HoM points. I make no particular claim that anything here is worth that much, but maybe there are some gems in here that I am undervaluing.

With what I have banked right now, 80k gold, or various combinations of gold, items, and services (check HoM: Gingelyr Sea) should get me my last two points. Meeting this mark will buy you the whole set below--unless someone outbids with a more convenient package before I get a chance to respond. ("More convenient" means less dependence on buying my own items/services)

q8 Fellblade (14-20 dmg, insc.)
q12 (tac) Iridescent Aegis (-20% daze, of Valor)
q9 (div. fav.) Jayne's Staff (green)
q9 (soul reap.) Silver Boar Scepter (unid)
q8 Skeleton Shield (16 armor, 19% +1 healing prayers)
q11 Righteous Maul (shocking, +19% ench., +19% w/hex)
q10 Air Staff Lightning spire model (19% HSR, unid)
q9 Sephis Sword (Sundering 19%, +15% vs. hex)

Irukandji s/b 9k

Weapon Mods
Wand wrapping of quickening (10% HSR all spells)
Wand wrapping of memory (19% HSR item's attribute)
Shield Handle of Fortitude (+30 hp)

Destroyer Core x9
Trade contract x6
Superb Charr Carving x13
Silver ZCoin x2

Consumables, title points, etc.
Armor of Salvation
Powerstone of Courage
Candy Corn x47
Trick or Treat Bag x154
Passage Scroll to the Deep x3
Mysterious Tonic x4
Shining Blade Warhorn
Transmogrifier Tonic x 23
Fossilized Summoning Stone x3
Refined Jelly x2
Cottontail Tonic x5
Four-leaf Clover x17
Hard Apple Cider x2
Pumpkin Pie x2
Mesmer Tome x2

Phantom Key
Darkstone Key x5
Demonic Key