best place to farm purple/green/gold items?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2010

mind cage


i used the search but couldn't find exactly what i am looking for...

in Guild wars (i have all expansion packs so anywhere is fine)
where is the best place to farm for purple/gold/green items?
i know it is random, but help is appreciated.

also, i heard that the more heros you have the less stuff you get. is that true?
if it is, how many heros and henchmen should i have at once?

i rlly want to start making my own gold instead of begging, i just need some information.

ty very much to those who help. =^.^=


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006



If you search a bit about farming you'll find a bunch of threads on here, and if you check you'll find a separate section for solo farming builds.
A popular and easy one is the vaettir farm (assassin).
I sometimes use a 55 necro (originally 55 monk) for nostalgia sake.
SoS rits can farm pretty much anything.
If your goal is making money, you might want to dabble into speedclears as well.

The more heroes and/or henchman you have, the less you'll get in terms of cash, because goldcoins that are picked up are distributed among all the partymembers. However, they lootscaling should theoretically negate that (you'll get more money/common item drops if you're with more people). Search the wiki to see what items are not affected by lootscaling (like gold items and rare crafting materials).

Hope this helps a bit and good luck to you


Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2007


Heres a very big hint - its the easiest way to make cash if you have access to factions as well as rest of game
Feather Farming - look that up in search and sift thru the posts.