About HoM again

Arch Enemy12

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2012

Hello, fellow gamers! I have just pre-ordered GW 2, but also own the full GW collection from a couple of years now. But why am I telling you this?

It's simple. The thing is, I went on and off during this time period and didn't achieve all that much (the main thing being completing all campaigns solo on normal ) So when the HoM thing started to tickle my interest, I didn't have much spare funds left, being that I played mainly solo (also that's the reason why I went on and off all the time - the game was too hard for me ^^, but I wanted to play nontheless). I somehow got to 14 points though. Sadly, my scarce supplies have ended and it will be quite a grind from now forward.

I want to get the points to at least 20, because I plan to spend quite a lot of time in the new game and I somehow want to feel connected to the first one, the reason being that there's something always pulling me back into it (like Diablo 2). I am well aware that I can continue to farm them even after the release of GW2, but I'm afraid that the lack of community will make the task almost impossible for me to achieve. I highly doubt that there are still people out there with lots of money on their account, but even if there are none, I would kindly ask for some help to make my way to 20 points.

You can see my HoM status here: http://hom.guildwars2.com/en/#page=m... ADAAAQAAAAAA

Thanks in advance!


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2012

Well, if you log on this week and do the Wayfayer reverie quests (which shouldn't be a big deal if you've done all the campaigns, as you've unlocked all the outposts), then you will get a free tormented weapon. That's 1 point, and only about 2 hours of work.

If, in addition to this, you then complete the War in Kryta quest line (WIK) you'll have enough resources for at LEAST 1 oppressor weapon. It's maybe.. 3-4 hours to do all the quests the first time you do it. Then you can also do Hearts of the North, which will give you another set of WiK resources, which puts you easily over 2 oppressor weapons. They're selling for about 120k each now, so you can use that currency to buy a destroyer weapon (which costs about the same).

So now you're at +3 points, and you've only spent 5-8 hours on it, and it's cost you nothing (you probably actually made some cash), possibly enough cash to buy 2 more sets of 15k armor, which you can boost up another point.

edit: bonk, of course you have EoTN, else you would not have a monument.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2009



First of all, Your HoM is hard to read to give you solid advice (wich doesn't mean judgement, its only that i can't see everything you did and didn't do.

So I am going to asume a few things. One is that beside the 3 campaigns you atleast got as far in eotn to get the 4 tapestry's yourself. if you bought them, you need to do so, for this to work out.

The reason is cause it gives you the possibility to get the wayfairer festival quest.. depending on your teambuild and what area's you skipped on getting the titles doen, it takes bout 3-8 hours to finish (i know there is a lot of difference here, but it is possible to finish prophecy's with only 4 missions finished, so if you did that you need a lot of running round to get to all the spots).

That will get you however at 16/50 points.
You stated that your resources are low. So I will asume that it is nearly zero.
So you need to play the game. tbh i don't think you can get to 20 without additional resources. but lets concentrate a bit more on the possible.

You finished 3 campaigns, so maybe you didn't skip too much in prophecy's and didn't skip too many bonusses and master rewards on missions. When you do all missions with master or bonus reward (prophecy's works with bonus, the rest with master rewards) you get an additional title. if you get 2 out of 3 you get a total of 5 statues. this gives you 3 points and so very close to 19/50.

Though I do hope this won't take too much effort you need some budget now. this is in the form of a unique or rare miniature. This will cost you bout 40-50k. So if you didn't make the money you need to farm it.

Keep in mind that if you fail to get the money, like you said you can get the points afterwards. A lot of people have a deadline for their HoM awards right at the release date. I expect HoM related prizes to drop to a more normal amount soon after release. And if you didn't get all the funds it would be worth it to log into kamadan after 1-2 weeks and see how prizes did develop to maybe get that last point with the funds you have.

just to give you an example bout my last point. I had a guildstack of 6 tapestry's. A week ago they where worth 3-5k each. Due to the recent wayfairer quest a lot of people needed the valor tapestry due to the fact they never got it or got the weapon on the wrong character. So I sold them all for 6k each (so my guildmembers had a bit more funding for other things, they didn't need the tapestry's anymore).

Goodluck and hope to see you soon in GW2

Arch Enemy12

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2012

Thanks for the tips guys! I'll surery see what I can do about this event and the other things mentioned.

Just Sai

Just Sai

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2009



To avoid making a new thread I'm hijacking this one
is anyone else having a failed name check in the HoM calculator?
it keeps saying

Error Loading Character

We couldn't load that character, please check your spelling.

I can spell, I'm on the character in game, logged out and tried again, tried some other names from the same account and its the same


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2007


legio gemina


me too.
Same problem there.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


Yeah I think the HoM thing is borked right now I can't get it to recognize any of my character names either.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2012



I think the HOM calculator wouldn't work last night because GW server was down.