EDIT - Sale pending to Cleavage. Thanks everyone else who bid.
WTS an extremely rare unded grawl shaman mini that I received at PAX several years ago. With ectos the price they are, now is a great time to buy.
Opening bid: 100 ectos
Buyout bid: 200 ectos
Will also consider trade ectos + oppressor/tormentor/destroyer weapons.
Unded Grawl Shaman Mini
Battle Felon
Ill take b/o
Cleavage Maximas
I posted buyout on your pet and I would like you to honor that. In case you do not wish to honor it I will pay 220e to outbid this piece of sh1t under me.
Cleavage Maximas
I posted buyout on your pet and I would like you to honor that. In case you do not wish to honor it I will pay 220e to outbid this piece of sh1t under me.
ign: roxie mon
ign: roxie mon