No idea if these are worth anything, but they are taking up storage space so I thought I'd check before I merch them

- r10 Nightmare Scythe (insc)
- r9 Oni Blade, Ebon'20/20'AL+7vsElemental
- r11 Plagueborn Recurve Bow, bleeding 33%'AL+5
- r10 Plagueborn Hornbow, 20/20'+15%^ench'AL+7vsPhys
- (purple) r10 Plagueborn Hornbow, +17%vsDemons
- r10 dom Plagueborn Scepter, EN +5^ench
- r9 divine favor Plagueborn Focus, HCT divine favor spells 20%
- r10 divine favor Plagueborn Focus, HP+44^ench'AL+5^casting
- r9 SR Plagueborn Focus, AL+5^casting
- r9 chann Plagueborn Staff, bleeding -20%'AL+7vsPhys
- same as above but r10
- r10 Plagueborn Maul, vamp -1+4'dmg+19%^hexed'AL+7vsPhys
and a funny one to end with: max blue r8 Grim Cesta, inscribable
Just tell me which ones are worth anything, no need to mention them if they aren't.
Thanks in advance boys and girls