some Plagueborns, Oni blade



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2009

The Underworld


Hey all.

No idea if these are worth anything, but they are taking up storage space so I thought I'd check before I merch them. All gold/uninsc unless stated otherwise.

- r10 Nightmare Scythe (insc)
- r9 Oni Blade, Ebon'20/20'AL+7vsElemental


- r11 Plagueborn Recurve Bow, bleeding 33%'AL+5
- r10 Plagueborn Hornbow, 20/20'+15%^ench'AL+7vsPhys
- (purple) r10 Plagueborn Hornbow, +17%vsDemons

- r10 dom Plagueborn Scepter, EN +5^ench

- r9 divine favor Plagueborn Focus, HCT divine favor spells 20%
- r10 divine favor Plagueborn Focus, HP+44^ench'AL+5^casting
- r9 SR Plagueborn Focus, AL+5^casting

- r9 chann Plagueborn Staff, bleeding -20%'AL+7vsPhys
- same as above but r10

- r10 Plagueborn Maul, vamp -1+4'dmg+19%^hexed'AL+7vsPhys

and a funny one to end with: max blue r8 Grim Cesta, inscribable

Just tell me which ones are worth anything, no need to mention them if they aren't.

Thanks in advance boys and girls

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

All junk except

scythe 10-15k
Req9 divine plaugeborn
Req8 cesta

Prices for those 2 I don't know tbh can't see either being worth much though.