PvE: Elysian Knights [EK]



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2012

Pennsylvania, USA

End Of Discussion [EoD]

Elysian Knights is a constantly growing Kurzick guild that is looking for members of any level, any class. Our guild was founded in 2005, after
the previous guild, The Avalon Knights, our leader, Magnus Brinstar, was in crumbled. After much debate, Magnus Brinstar, Kurgan Soltheim, alan dooley aka
Vermillian assassin, and willy squires aka Keil death dealer founded EK with the philosophy of being as helpful as we could be to guildies, and to make a place
where all would feel accepted and welcome regardless of who they were... Over the years we have seen many lineups, many have came and gone, but our
philosophy still remains. We have always been a PvE guild focused mainly on farming, normal PvE, and elite missions. We have been aligned with both
factions, but mostly we have been Kurzicks, and we have Teamspeak 2 and a website: Elysian Knights. It is our sincerest hope that you all
will give us a chance and be happy here with us in EK. We need loyal, active, friendly, & helpful people who will have fun and enjoy us are we are.
Come join the fun!

Message me here for an invite!!