Areas vanqed- boreas, mourning veil falls, icecliff chasms.
Missions:HM-Need most of them, haven't done too many on hm. NM - Tyria Titles -DoA,Urgoz
Eotn Dungeons - Need most of them on HM
Rep(not priority till im done with vanqs/dungeons)- Sunspear - currently 12,518(8) Lightbringer - currently 8834(5) Kurzick - 894,000(5) Luxon - 892,000(4)
As far as possible, I would wish to be afk.
Let me know your price, willing to pay decently well, mainly want to just get 50/50 eventually(all i really have left is titles), but most of my time is spent on gw2... so yea :P
Timezone:gmt +8, but can get on whenever.
If I'm on but don't respond... I fell asleep :x
IGN: Pearl Snowfall