Discussion about Green Items



hamonite anur ruk

Join Date: Jan 2006

Echovald Forest

[PhD] Teh Academy


Originally Posted by Shadowcast
I'm sorry, are you *paying* for the green list to be constantly researched an updated? Considering all the work that's involved, I'm thankful it exists in the first place.

As for 'getting tired of people demanding rare prices'--I don't think the entire GW community would be willing to stop trying to get top dollar based on your comments alone; having an "I don't like it" tantrum here or anywhere isn't exactly a convincing argument to inspire change. If you don't like prices now, wait a few months and buy it on the cheap, when there are more in supply. It's that simple.

.. More... In... Supply. How much more in supply does it have to be for you to notice there is entirely too many greens on the market to be considered rare? Open your eyes and maybe you will notice the; WTS Tanzits cleaver, Defender, Malinions Shield, Ragos..etc etc etc at least...4-5 times in ONE district, in under an hour.

This might help you out too, for future reference.

adj. rar·er, rar·est
Infrequently occurring; uncommon. Not widely known; especially valued for its uncommonness; "a rare word"; "rare books" 2: recurring only at long intervals; "a rare appearance";


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

Sorrows Furnace

Originally Posted by shadowfell
.. More... In... Supply. How much more in supply does it have to be for you to notice there is entirely too many greens on the market to be considered rare? Open your eyes and maybe you will notice the; WTS Tanzits cleaver, Defender, Malinions Shield, Ragos..etc etc etc at least...4-5 times in ONE district, in under an hour.

This might help you out too, for future reference.

adj. rar·er, rar·est
Infrequently occurring; uncommon. Not widely known; especially valued for its uncommonness; "a rare word"; "rare books" 2: recurring only at long intervals; "a rare appearance";
Surely you jest. My limited observations don't dictate what is considered rare, and neither do yours--the entire GW community's does. Oddly enough, getting feedback from the whole GW community (English-speaking, at least), to determine the prices on greens is exactly why this thread exists, so I'm still left wondering why it is you continue to complain.

While I applaud your ability to use a dictionary--kudos for keeping one close while you read--you still fail to grasp the basic economical concept of 'supply and demand' covered around sixth grade.

Suppose there are many 'rares', and people are trying to sell these 'rares' for 'insane' prices--one of two things can happen:

1) people buy em at the 'insane' asking price - prices stay the same

2) people don't buy em - the sellers will either a) keep wasting their time and ask the same price or b) wise up and lower their prices.

How much more in supply is needed? If prices haven't fallen, then labelled 'rare' or not, the supply obviously (well, obvious to most people) isn't YET great enough to force a change in the sellers' collective asking price.

This crazy 'supply and demand' concept is the reason that IDS's fell from 100k to now 30-40k, razorstone fell from +200k to now 70-75k, and others are practically worthless.

Now as amusing as this has been, I have to direct my attention to other tasks at hand, so if you for some reason feel so inclined to dig a deeper hole for yourself and continue to display your ignorance, please assume my response would be simply 'nah nah nah nee boo boo'. (My apologies if I spelled that incorrectly, but I see you have access to a dictionary.) Good luck!



hamonite anur ruk

Join Date: Jan 2006

Echovald Forest

[PhD] Teh Academy


I don't think I need to complain about it anymore. The point has been made, seemingly rather clear to everyone. Well.. Almost everyone.

People aren't paying the prices. I believe that only the most unaware of new player, or the ebay gold kid are among the few paying those prices anymore. Certainly no one with half a brain. There are a few exceptions here and there, when you need something right that instance, but more often than not, the majority of greens are going for bargain basement prices. Maybe if you had read the post in it's entirety, instead of going off on a rip about a persons stand on it, you would have seen that the body was about changing the prices on the main list to reflect what the items were ACTUALLY selling for, instead of some lofty, idealistic dream price worked up by whoever, long ago when these items were still relatively difficult to obtain, or scarce in supply.

So.. applaud the farmers kids, for ruining their own market and making greens cheaper for all to have.

Look that one up.

Jesters Court

Jesters Court

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005

Mine-Bathazars Hell Knights


for some reason it seems like the fleshweaver has the highest selling power, everywhere somebody wants to buy one



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

The Faerie Host


All I can say is: To each their own. It depends on personal preference what is "junk" and what isn't. What's useful to you would not be useful to me, and what's usefel to me won't be useful to you. I have patience, so lots of fast-casting mods aren't valuable to me. I know how to manage my energy, so energy plusses aren't that valuable either. What I like is health plusses, so I don't have to be a /mo on every damn character

So, my necro and monk weild Fleshweaver (which is, according to Jesters Court, a high-seller probably for that reason) and Brohn's Staff, respectively, for the Health +60 mods. I have the mesmer's staff that does the same thing, tho I no longer play a mesmer, so it's sitting in storage. My ele wields Flint's Fleshcleaver, also because of the health plus on it, and the +5 energy means one more Water Trident when I nead it My ranger weilds Forgerunner for the health +30 and the Firey bowstring, which I combine with Conjure Flame for a damage boost. Yeah, I could get a gold bow that does the exact same thing... but why when I already have a nice green one with a name?

Yeah, I know, it comes down to vanity, and ctrl-clicking to tell your teammates, "I'm weilding a fleshweaver." But buying a gold, max-damage blood-staff, then a +30 Hale head, then a +30 wrapping would be more work and likely more gold than just getting Fleshweaver, plus would have 2 mods, whereas Fleshweaver has 3.

And I know mesmers who want +60 health would have to pay more for a gold staff and both Health +30 mods than the 5-10K that their green goes for, plus would be missing that extra mod that has as well.

Given the price drop for Brohn's Staff, the same could be said for it that is said for Fleshweaver, plus it's ideal for a pure healing monk who doesn't want to "waste" points in smiting just to have a good working weapon.

Also, greens IMHO look better. Brohn's Staff looks like a bright sparkling baton. Fleshweaver looks like an NPC staff with dangly bits that swing when you walk. Fleshcleaver looks the same only blue.

And you have to admit a lot about GW goes back to vanity... 15k armor... rank emotes... and greens. Even that we HAVE an ctrl-click option to brag about what we're weilding and what level we are is just a part of the uge for vanity that GW encourages.

So it all boils down to... just cause something doesn't have the mods you personally like, doesn't mean it's "junk." For someone, those same mods can be just what their character is looking for, and (at least now) buying a green can be the cheaper and more visualy appealing way to get those mods.

Originally Posted by Lord Dobo
This is my first ever message, so go easy on me. I just wanted to say a few things.
First, I love how this list even exists. I'm on a lot, but I don't have the patience to figure out these prices myself. It helps my wife and I get a ball park figure for our items.
Second, why is anyone buying this junk in the first place? Anyone notice that these items are subpar? I understand the vanity part of it, afterall, I have three sets of 15k armor in black and working on my fourth. And I do carry a few nice Greens that I found myself (Brohn's staff, though I don't like it, and Grognar's Blade, though it's not ideal). But when you break it down to the nut's and bolts, the majority of these items don't have the features you really want, and they can't be modded. You can find a lot of collector items in the late game that have ideal bonuses and can be fully modded to work much better than any of these.
Which leaves me at third. I can go to the desert, kill some worms for some bleached shells, and trade them to a collector for a Crimson Carapace Shield that has the exact same stats as Grognar's Defender. Could I sell it for the price of 30k the Green item is going for? Probably not even a tenth. It's an artificial system that leaves me beleiving that people don't play the game with their heads sometimes. Am I just a bit harsh, or am I right on the money?

Lord Dobo

Lord Dobo

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


The Unseen Hand Of Fate [fate]


I admit I came off as a bit harsh. I appologize for that. I understand your point on the to each there own line, but what I'm trying to point out is that most of these green weapons are just perfect weapons with mods that most of us wouldn't want if we were building our own ideal weapon. Take Grognar's Blade as an example. The swordsmanship mod is nice, but Crippling? I don't know many who would pick that over almost any other mod. Now before anyone counters, I know there are going to be those out there, especially in PvP who like it, but I would go with something else in most cases. And almost all of the green items are like that. I guess I just feel like the game should have unique items that make more sense overall.
And on a similar note, most golds I find don't have nearly as good of bonuses as some collector items. If you want a stance, enchentment, or health > 50% sword, you are better off getting a collector or weapon smith sword and modding it. I have the +20% enchant pommel and the max dmg +15% when enchented sword. I could put zealous for energy recovery (or anything else really) in there and have a nice weapon. But it'll be over looked because most people in this game (not you, this isn't a specific insult, please don't take it that way) just don't understand that all that matters is what the weapon does.
Now, for vanities sake, I'd rather put it on a good fell blade than the ugly collector sword, but hey, that's why I haven't used up all my mods yet, I'm waiting for the pretty weapons to come along. But thanks for the reply, I appreciate that someone obviously has some thoughts on the matter.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

The Faerie Host


I think I understand your POV a little bit. You're talking swords and shields. I use neither I don't play a warrior and I probably never will. So I'll take your word on those items But for staves and the like, I prefer the greens I mentioned to collectors or golds. There are some collector foci that have comperable stats to green foci... but the greens generally have better mods, that I've seen. I honestly don't know anything about swords and shields, though. Weapons and/or Foci for eles, monks, necros, rangers... that I know

Originally Posted by Lord Dobo
I admit I came off as a bit harsh. I appologize for that. I understand your point on the to each there own line, but what I'm trying to point out is that most of these green weapons are just perfect weapons with mods that most of us wouldn't want if we were building our own ideal weapon. Take Grognar's Blade as an example. The swordsmanship mod is nice, but Crippling? I don't know many who would pick that over almost any other mod. Now before anyone counters, I know there are going to be those out there, especially in PvP who like it, but I would go with something else in most cases. And almost all of the green items are like that. I guess I just feel like the game should have unique items that make more sense overall.
And on a similar note, most golds I find don't have nearly as good of bonuses as some collector items. If you want a stance, enchentment, or health > 50% sword, you are better off getting a collector or weapon smith sword and modding it. I have the +20% enchant pommel and the max dmg +15% when enchented sword. I could put zealous for energy recovery (or anything else really) in there and have a nice weapon. But it'll be over looked because most people in this game (not you, this isn't a specific insult, please don't take it that way) just don't understand that all that matters is what the weapon does.
Now, for vanities sake, I'd rather put it on a good fell blade than the ugly collector sword, but hey, that's why I haven't used up all my mods yet, I'm waiting for the pretty weapons to come along. But thanks for the reply, I appreciate that someone obviously has some thoughts on the matter.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by Lord Dobo
I admit I came off as a bit harsh. I appologize for that. I understand your point on the to each there own line, but what I'm trying to point out is that most of these green weapons are just perfect weapons with mods that most of us wouldn't want if we were building our own ideal weapon. Take Grognar's Blade as an example. The swordsmanship mod is nice, but Crippling? I don't know many who would pick that over almost any other mod. Now before anyone counters, I know there are going to be those out there, especially in PvP who like it, but I would go with something else in most cases. And almost all of the green items are like that. I guess I just feel like the game should have unique items that make more sense overall.
And on a similar note, most golds I find don't have nearly as good of bonuses as some collector items. If you want a stance, enchentment, or health > 50% sword, you are better off getting a collector or weapon smith sword and modding it. I have the +20% enchant pommel and the max dmg +15% when enchented sword. I could put zealous for energy recovery (or anything else really) in there and have a nice weapon. But it'll be over looked because most people in this game (not you, this isn't a specific insult, please don't take it that way) just don't understand that all that matters is what the weapon does.
Now, for vanities sake, I'd rather put it on a good fell blade than the ugly collector sword, but hey, that's why I haven't used up all my mods yet, I'm waiting for the pretty weapons to come along. But thanks for the reply, I appreciate that someone obviously has some thoughts on the matter.

Although I understand what you mean to say, I think that quite honestly, warrior greens are the worst examples to use, since IMHO, most of them really aren't worth anything and most don't even look that good (of course with the exceptions of Tanzit's Defender, Razorstone, etc...). I personally think that, even though there are truly some poor greens, most of them are as good if not better and cheaper than a lot of the gold modded equivalents. An example would be gold storm bows. I do admit that there are mods I wish I could switch on some of my greens (ex. switch lightning dmg for cold dmg on my Boulderbeard Short Bow), but for the most part, the greens I have either have more/better mods on them than I could find/afford elsewhere.

Even some greens that sell for cheap I have often found to be leaps and bounds better than other green/gold/collector counterparts like my Gordoc's Staff, Korvald set, Gorrel Staff (used for my trapper), etc...

Long story short, I farm greens and I am not afraid of prices plummeting and in some aspects to a certain extent of course embrace such. I think there will always be those who would rather have something other than the masses just because, and since greens have become quite widespread have become the bane of such crowd.

(sorry if this post is a bit scatterbrained, I'm about to crash for the night.)

Malchior Devenholm

Malchior Devenholm

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Originally Posted by Jack Claw
Ifound it this morning ... and its a 20/20 ... can u explain that?Its The First Time I found One So I Dont Know Wat To say ... About That ... But ThanXxX For Telling Me How Much Its Worth ... I Really Appreciate It

Sincerly Yours...
The 20/20 was suspended from dropping way back in October i believe.

U either...

1. FOUND the 20/10 by killing Gorrel Rockmolder


2. FOUND it from some person in a town and BOUGHT it for cheap price...

To the response of the collectors=the greens...The shields and swords and stuffs of collectors can be similar to greens, but its all about time...

Honestly, is it easier to LOCATE 5 DESERT WURMS (dunes mission not included ) or get lucky and get Tanzits Defender off of Tanzit Razorstone

Also as has been said...The war items can be similar to collector items...Its the caster items that pwn, you cant find any better caster items unless you make you own or buy it from somebody...u could get the collector item then mod with the mods that are on the green...but then u'd be wasting time getting the collectors stuff, getting the mods, maybe getting cash to buy the mods, when if ur lucky u can score a Brohns staff in just a few hours of SF farming...

Its all boils down to patience, which we humans dont have
People who have the money or time go for the greens so they dont have to waste time trying to get anything else...

Lord Dobo

Lord Dobo

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


The Unseen Hand Of Fate [fate]


I'm going to crash for the night myself, so I can't give anymore examples, but I'll look into them, I've been to all the collectors and keep a list so that I may build as I need. I use the sword as an example, but I do have experience with the staves and such, and I'm still not impressed, at least for my needs. Bows... well, saw very little that I would recomend to my wife (a ranger), but I admit I don't play one. And even though it doesn't seem this way, I do like some of the greens, I'm just looking for ideal stuff I guess. But with the worms, If you go out to the east of the Dunes ( if I remember right, I'm tired and sick), there is a wurm that pops up every time. I solo it with my earth build, and so far it's easy to get bleached shells.
And I keep seeing vanity defended, but I'm not really against it. I do have 15k black armor on 3 of my 4 chars (soon on 4th) and love it, I wish they did more to allow customization.
I'm trying out new things I'm learning from these posts and I think I'm coming around to see the value of your ideas. But the way I play the game appears to be different than the majority of people here. I tend to have an ideal weapon for each of my characters that I am looking for, and it seems that I need to build it from what I see of the greens, though some have good advantages. I guess I'm just willing to put the time in to find the right parts myself.
I suppose I've approached this topic from the stand point that the prices were due to a lot of impractical teens buying soley for vanities sake, but I see that many of you have thought it through and have specific purposes in mind for the greens.
On the topic of the green prices... I think they are down from everyone and thier dog farming sf and it'll stay that way... then the expansion will come out and no one will want them anymore and they will fall again. Anyone actually think they will go up again?