Year 6 and Year 7 B-Day
Ascalon Chariot
I have just returned from a very long break. Pretty excited to see what minis and such were in store. The tonics were pretty cool addition and such, but most of my year seven bday presents were like year four mini pets? Is this right??
Marty Silverblade
So the 7th bday gifts are a combination of the non-whites from years 1-5 along with a small chance for a (previously) exclusive non-bday mini.
So the 7th bday gifts are a combination of the non-whites from years 1-5 along with a small chance for a (previously) exclusive non-bday mini.
Ascalon Chariot
Thanks my friend for not ragging on me, I forgot all about gw wikia! But that's a somewhat bummer. Got prince rurik, eye of janthir and a few other undesireds. Oh well. Thanks again!